Audio & Visual

Devices and peripherals in schools for the digital class

Light Table

A multi-functional light panel featuring 12 colour options and a 30 second voice record function.

It is ideal for looking at transparent and translucent objects. It is more effective in a darker environment. 

Easi-View Visualiser

A visualiser which enables the teacher to view and share on the interactive board A4 documents, books, and students’ work.

It can also be used as a webcam to create stop motion animation.

Easi-Scope Microscope

The Easi-Scope is a plug and play digital microscope which connects to your computer via USB to have a close up look at everyday things.

Students can view specimens on a computer screen at up to 30x magnification by simply holding the microscope over the object and focusing by turning the single control knob. It can capture video and still images that can be saved on the computer.